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Autor/inMacfarlane, Angus H.
TitelThe Hikairo schema.
Culturally responsive teaching and learning in early childhood education settings.
QuelleWellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press (2019), 32 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781988542645; 1988542642
SchlagwörterNeuseeland; Culturally relevant pedagogy; New Zealand; Māori (New Zealand people); Education (Early childhood); Early childhood education; Kura pūhou; Kōhanga reo; Māoritanga; Erziehung
AbstractThis adaptable guide invites kaiako to rethink approaches to engaging tamariki, re-envisage the teacher/learner dynamic, revise old habits, and reconfigure learning environments to acknowledge and embrace cultural differences. Kaiako can use the Hikairo Schema several times over, drawing on their previous experiences to inform and to develop new and innovative ways of facilitating culturally sensitive and inclusive learning settings. This self-paced guide allows kaiako, whānau, and tamariki to collaboratively co-construct goals and outcomes that are relevant to their learning contexts. Kaiako can adapt the Hikairo Schema to fit not only their own needs, but their own pace and level of comfort. --Source other than Library of Congress.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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