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Autor/inAdair, Bill
TitelThe emotionally connected classroom.
Wellness and the learning experience.
QuelleThousand Oaks, Califorinia: Corwin, A SAGE Company (2019), XVII, 200 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAffective education; Learning, Psychology of; Classroom environment; Teacher-student relationships; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractHunter gatherers in the classroom -- Connection intentions, the good wolf, and the six P's -- Experiences, emotions, attachments and scary kittens -- Where did my true self go? -- Emotional addictions in the classroom -- The six P's attachment strategies rewiring the brain -- Drug addicts, gamblers, classrooms and dogs -- Relaxed environments, safety and structure -- The lesson and unit plan -- Control, drama and choice -- A bold proclamation for change -- Epilogue: prayers in a food truck -- Supplementary materials -- Connection intentions and the six P's -- Sample intention unit plans/subject intentions -- The kinderbuddy lesson plan -- References -- Index. "Bill Adair is a teacher with 28 years of experience in the Coquitlam school district outside of Vancouver, British Columbia. His primary teaching areas have been high school mathematics, physical education, and leadership. Leadership roles have included positions as athletic director, coach, student activities facilitator, and liaison with community and college programs. After six years of research, consultation with addiction specialists, experimentation and practice in the classroom, presentations, workshops, and multiple refinements, he has created this exciting book and educational model. Bill has been conducting teacher workshops related to British Columbia's new whole child curriculum implementation. Faculty associates at Simon Fraser University have taken note of successful teacher candidates using the model. Connected Classroom workshops have been held for teachers in training and more are scheduled for future classes. It is my hope that publication of this book will increase opportunities for workshops and speaking engagements. As I approach the close of a successful and rewarding educational career, becoming part of the Corwin consultant team would play an important role in sharing a passion for better teaching, learning, and living"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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