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Autor/inWerb, Ezra
TitelTeach for attention!.
A tool belt of strategies for engaging students with attention challenges.
QuelleMinneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Publishing Inc. (2019), 198 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781631983191; 1631983199
SchlagwörterChildren with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; Education (Elementary); Learning disabled children; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction: set the stage to get engaged -- Get interest rates up: how to incorporate students' personal interests -- Play the confidence game: how to raise self-esteem and reduce anxiety -- Let out the fizz: how to include effective fidgeting and movement in the -- Classroom -- Send them in the write direction: how to promote writing production -- Make a long story feel short: how to engage students in the reading -- Process -- Teach in high-definition: how to make things clear visually -- Adjust their mirror: how to encourage self-awareness and self-management. "Book for educators about teaching students with ADHD and other attention challenges. Includes teaching strategies for students with ADHD, low self-confidence, distraction, and other attention challenges. Dozens of true classroom stories that show the strategies in action. Helps teachers make simple fixes without changing their approach or revamping their curriculum"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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