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Sonst. PersonenBerkey, Becca (Hrsg.)
TitelReconceptualizing faculty development in service-learning/community engagement.
Exploring intersections, frameworks, and models of practice.
QuelleSterling, Virginia: Stylus (2018), XXVII, 348 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781620366127; 9781620366134; 9781620366141; 9781620366158
SchlagwörterUSA; Community and college; United States; Case studies; Fallstudie; Service learning; College teachers; In-service training; Erziehung
AbstractA holistic framework for educational professional development in community engagement / Marshall Welch and Star Plaxton-Moore -- Faculty as co-learners : collaborative engagement and the power of story in faculty development / Timothy Eatman -- Models and genres of faculty development / Emily O. Gravett and Andreas Broscheid -- Supporting professional development for community engagement : three institutional case studies / Amy Spring -- Learning communities as a creative catalyst for professional development and institutional change / Carey Borkoski -- Case studies : mission driven, low-cost, creative practices / Ann Marie Jursca Keffer and Ann Green -- Dynamics at the edge : exploring roles and intersections of S-LCE and educational development / Cara Meixner, Becca Berkey, and Patrick Green -- Special pedagogical considerations / Chirag Variawa -- The intersection of institutional contexts and faculty development in service-learning and community engagement / Stephanie Stokamer -- Reciprocity and partnership : how do we know it is working? / Gabriel Ignacio Barreneche, Micki Meyer, and Scott Gross -- Connecting service-learning and community engagement faculty development to community-engaged scholarship / Sherril B. Gelmon and Catherine M. Jordan -- Innovative considerations in faculty development and S-LCE : new perspectives for the future / Richard Kiely and Kathleen Sexsmith.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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