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Autor/inBurgess, Beverly
TitelOut of the box learning.
Empowering you on your homeschool journey.
QuelleGlocester, RI: Stillwater River Publications (2016), IV, 231 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780997877878; 0997877871
SchlagwörterHome schooling; Learning disabled children; Education; Parent participation; Alternative education; Erziehung
Abstract"What does a mother do when she is told her child will never be able to learn? Beverly assumes public school will provide everything her son Patrick needs to succeed; but he's been beaten down by the system, and failing and falling further behind as each year passes. At each turn, she is met with devastating system roadblocks, and told she doesn't have what it takes to help her child. In many respects, she feels the professionals may be right. Will she be able to discover the educational path he needs? Or, will she too, fail her child? OUT OF THE BOX LEARNING tells of the deep courage of one mother who realizes that only she has the power to turn around her son's education. It is both heartfelt story, and step-by-step guide to alternative learning through homeschooling. Out of the Box Learning will inspire readers to rethink the landscape and purpose of education, when we fully trust our kids as inherent learners"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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