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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelCommon core curriculum maps in English language arts, grades 9-12. 2nd ed.
QuelleSan Francisco: Jossey-Bass (2014)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheCommon core english language arts
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterUSA; Language arts (Secondary); Curricula; States; United States; Standards; EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / Reading & Phonics; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"The first books to present specific guidance for teaching the Common Core State StandardsForty-three states plus the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands have signed on to adopt the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The need for curriculum guides to assist teachers in helping students meet these standards has become imperative. Created by teachers, for teachers, the research-based curriculum maps in this book present a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units for teaching the skills outlined in the CCSS for English language arts in Grades 9-12. Each grade is broken down into six units that include focus standards, suggested works, sample activities and assessments, lesson plans, and more. Teachers can use the maps to plan their year and craft their own more detailed lesson plans. The maps address every standard in the CCSS, yet are flexible and adaptable to accommodate diverse teaching styles. Any teacher, school, or district that chooses to follow the Common Core maps can be confident that they are adhering to the standards"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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