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Autor/inGilchrist, George
TitelPractitioner enquiry.
Professional development with impact for teachers, schools and systems.
QuelleLondon ; New York, NY: Routledge (2018), VII, 171 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781138293021; 9781138293038; 9781315232270
SchlagwörterAction research in education; Education; Research; Teachers; In-service training; School improvement programs; School management and organization; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractWhy practitioner enquiry? -- Creating the conditions for practitioner enquiry to be successfully adopted -- Carrying out an enquiry : the process -- The role of school leaders/principals in practitioner enquiry -- The role of the teacher in practitioner enquiry -- What are the benefits from the adoption of practitioner enquiry? -- Case study of a whole-school approach to practitioner enquiry -- Practitioner enquiry across contexts: case studies furthering professional and school development -- Pedagogical changes -- Some final thoughts and considerations -- Appendix : research posters. "This book describes what practitioner enquiry is and explains what the research says about the benefits and possible pitfalls on any journey with enquiry for yourself and your school. Offering a step-by-step guide, it looks at how you can create the conditions for practitioner enquiry and the role of school leaders and teachers in making it successful. Written by an experienced Headteacher who has worked with many schools to support their own implementation of practitioner enquiry, the book shows how you can bring about deep, sustainable and embedded change that will have a positive impact for all your learners"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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