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Sonst. PersonenThompson, Gail L. (Hrsg.); Bonner, Fred A. (Hrsg.); Lewis, Chance Wayne (Hrsg.)
TitelReaching the mountaintop of the academy.
Personal narratives, advice, and strategies from Black distinguished and endowed professors.
QuelleCharlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (2016), IX, 152 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheContemporary perspectives on access, equity, and achievement
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781681233192; 9781681233208; 9781681233215 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterBiografie; USA; African American college teachers; Selection and appointment; Biography; Universities and colleges; Faculty; United States; Faculty integration; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction : African Americans' Ongoing Thirst for Knowledge / Gail L. Thompson -- The Race is Not Given : My Scholarly Personal Narrative on the Journey to Endowed Chair / Fred A. Bonner II -- Overcoming the "You're Too Young for a Distinguished Professorship and Endowed Chair" : Phenomenon: Naysayers vs. Destiny! / Chance W. Lewis -- Knowledge, Wisdom, and Favor : Losing Some Battles, but Winning the War / Norvella P. Carter -- Success Through Chance, Opportunity, and Preparedness / Veronica Evans Lewis -- Reaching Distinction Through Striking a Balance / Marilyn E. Strutchens -- W.E.B. and Me : The Soul of a Black Academic / Gloria Ladson-Billings -- From Steel Cities to Ivory Towers / Floyd D. Beachum -- Faith, Hard Work, and Persistence : How a Child Who Grew Up on Welfare Became an Endowed Professor / Gail L. Thompson -- This Girl is on Fire... and So is the Kitchen! : The Real Balance of WifeMommy/Scholar / Allyson L. Watson -- Pressing Toward Equity for Black Children : A Tenacious Journey / H. Richard Milner IV -- Epilogue : African American Distinguished and Endowed Professors Paving the Path for the Next Generation : An Epilogue / Chance W. Lewis and Fred A. Bonner II.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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