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Autor/inAbdul Gafoor, K.
TitelPrinciples of Integration of Sustainability Science in Educational Practice
Quelle(2013), (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSustainability; Teaching Methods; Educational Practices; Holistic Approach; Educational Principles
AbstractThis paper argues that sustainability is an issue of the method or approach we have towards systems and subsystems of nature, life, society. Put in this way, in education sustainability is an issue of methods of teaching and learning. Breaking down the system makes it unsustainable. Degeneration results from fragmenting the natural wholes and treating the fragments in isolation from the whole. Our educational (and teaching-learning) system isolates its various levels, multiple subjects/disciplines, numerous ideas and concepts that are imparted in classrooms from one another. Irrespective of the theorized principles, educational practice encourages to make separation among theory/practice, science/technology, local/global, individual/social, science/social science, past/present, history/science, ecology/society and the like. We do extend this practice in classifying the levels of teaching and categorizing of objectives of teaching too. Agreed, the categorization of universe is a mental process of meaning making. But, natural mind (not the artificial thought process that we develop through our formal and non-formal systems of education) is as much integrative as it is discriminating and discerning. The paper reasons that this integrative principle is demonstrated in educational theory in various terminologies like Hemispherity of brain, progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation (Ausubel), multiple intelligences, inductive and deductive thinking, or analysis and synthesis (Bloom), analytical and creative intelligences (Sternberg). These, along with other theoretical manifestations like learning and thinking styles, help integrate curricular content and processes one another as well as with life and environment of the learner on the other. Hence, for making the education, life and society sustainable, the paper suggests, educational practice to incorporate the implications of these principles into teaching-learning on a daily and real basis. (Contains 2 figures.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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