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Sonst. PersonenLubienski, Christopher A. (Hrsg.); Weitzel, Peter C. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionHarvard University, Graduate School of Education
TitelThe Charter School Experiment: Expectations, Evidence, and Implications
Quelle(2010), (304 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCharter Schools; Educational Objectives; Educational Finance; Outcomes of Education; Educational Innovation; Competition; Educational Change; School Policy; Educational History; Politics of Education; Educational Policy; School Administration; School Role; Institutional Mission; Access to Education; School Segregation; School Law; School Effectiveness; Student Diversity; School Districts; Partnerships in Education; Private Sector; Program Evaluation; Information Utilization
AbstractWhen charter schools first arrived on the American educational scene, few observers suspected that within two decades thousands of these schools would be established, serving almost a million and a half children across forty states. The widespread popularity of these schools, and of the charter movement itself, speaks to the unique and chronic desire for substantive change in American education. As an innovation in governance, the ultimate goal of the charter movement is to improve learning opportunities for all students--not only those who attend charter schools but also students in public schools that are affected by competition from charters. In "The Charter School Experiment", a select group of leading scholars sets out to survey the past, present, and future of this dynamic area of education reform. Contributors with varying perspectives on the charter movement carefully evaluate how well charter schools are fulfilling the goals originally set out for them: introducing competition to the school sector, promoting more equitable access to quality schools, and encouraging innovation to improve educational outcomes. They explore the unintended effects of the charter school experiment over the past two decades, and conclude that charter schools are entering a new phase of their development, beginning to serve purposes significantly different from those originally set out for them. Following a foreword, The Charter School Idea (Jeffrey R. Henig) and introduction, Two Decades of Charter Schools: Shifting Expectations, Partners, and Policies (Christopher A. Lubienski and Peter C. Weitzel), this book is divided into nine chapters. Chapters include: (1) Grading Charter Schools: Access, Innovation, and Competition (Peter C. Weitzel and Christopher A. Lubienski); (2) Charter Schools Challenging Traditional Notions of Segregation (David R. Garcia); (3) Charter School Legislation and the Potential to Influence Student Body Diversity (Suzanne E. Eckes); (4) Performance of Charter Schools and Implications for Policy Makers (Gary Miron); (5) The Competitive Effects of Charter Schools on Public School Districts (Yongmei Ni and David Arsen); (6) Charter School Finance: Seeking institutional Legitimacy in a Marketplace of Resources (Luis A. Huerta and Chad d'Entremont); (7) Uncommon Players, Common Goals: Partnerships in Charter Schools (Priscilla Wohlstetter and Joanna Smith); (8) Hybridized, Franchised, Duplicated, and Replicated: Charter Schools and Management Organizations (Janelle T. Scott and Catherine C. DiMartino); and (9) Information Use and Epidemics in Charter School Policy (Christopher A. Lubienski and Peter C. Weitzel). A conclusion, Assessing the Charter School Experiment (Peter C. Weitzel and Christopher A. Lubienski) is included. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenHarvard Education Press. 8 Story Street First Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138. Tel: 888-437-1437; Tel: 617-495-3432; Fax: 978-348-1233; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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