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InstitutionAcademic Senate for California Community Colleges
TitelSabbaticals: Benefitting Faculty, the Institution, and Students
Quelle(2007), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSabbatical Leaves; College Faculty; Educational Finance; School Policy; Community Colleges; Educational Administration; Financial Support; College Governing Councils; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Employment Benefits; Surveys; Collective Bargaining; California
AbstractSabbatical leave has a long and distinguished history in academe, both at universities and community colleges. By virtue of its traditional benefit to professors, institutions, and students, sabbaticals may appropriately be considered as a "right" by the professoriate. Even so, during statewide budgetary crises, sabbatical leave was temporarily suspended at some California community colleges. This situation prompted a resolution instructing the Academic Senate to develop a document in support of sabbaticals. Preparation for drafting the document included the "Survey on Sabbatical Leave Policies and Practices" that the Academic Senate distributed in Fall 2006. Findings from the survey demonstrate that sabbatical leave remains in effect at the vast majority of California's community colleges; however, the policies and procedures for establishing and overseeing sabbaticals vary widely across the System. While sabbaticals are a matter of course at most of California's community colleges, efforts to encourage, support, and account for sabbaticals require due diligence. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAcademic Senate for California Community Colleges. 555 Capitol Mall Suite 525, Sacramento, CA 95814. Tel: 916-445-4753; Fax: 916-323-9867; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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