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Autor/inn/enLin, Huey-Ling; Silvern, Steven B.; Gorrell, Jeffrey
TitelEarly Childhood Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs in Taiwan.
Quelle(1998), (35 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBeliefs; College Students; Comparative Analysis; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Learning; Preservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Primary Education; Student Attitudes; Teacher Role; Teacher Student Relationship; Taiwan
AbstractThis study compared the perceptions of Taiwanese preservice teachers at two different points in their educational experience. Participating were 298 preservice teachers who were completing either their first year or third year of a teacher training program. Subjects completed a questionnaire including open-ended questions examining their perceptions of their role as teachers, of ways that children learn, and of their relationships with children. Through the process of translating, sorting, coding written responses and analyses, the description of central beliefs was generated. Content analysis was used as the dominant mode of data analysis. Chi-square analysis was conducted to support claims of representativeness in conjunction with category analysis to provide a better understanding of preservice teachers' beliefs. The findings indicated that the two groups of preservice teachers shared some beliefs and that their beliefs became more integrated with experience. The value of patience and love had a pervasive influence in their perceptions as teachers, their images of classroom practice, and their relationship with students. Opportunities for student self-discovery were emphasized in views regarding learning. There were also qualitative differences related to some beliefs about teaching and learning. The main differences related to willingness to take responsibility for children's learning, conception of how teaching should be conducted, images of learning experience, integration of cognitive ability with social and culture learning, children's learning from experience, and the necessity of building relationships for teaching. (Contains 51 references.) (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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