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Autor/inn/enVogt, Tobias; Staub, Ilka
TitelAssessment of basic aquatic skills in children.
Inter-rater reliability of coaches, teachers, students and parents.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Bewertung grundlegender aquatischer Fertigkeiten bei Kindern. Inter-Rater-Reliabilität von Trainern, Lehrern, Schülern und Eltern.
QuelleIn: Journal of physical education and sport, 20 (2020) 2, S. 577-583
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN2247-8051; 2247-806X
SchlagwörterKompetenz; Methode; Kindesentwicklung; Leistungsfähigkeit; Motorische Entwicklung; Kind; Lehrer; Motorisches Lernen; Anfangsunterricht; Videotechnik; Bewegungslehre; Schwimmen; Schwimmunterricht; Sportart; Trainingslehre; Wassergewöhnung; Bewertung
AbstractThe process of learn-to-swim pursues the goal of comprehensive aquatic education. This results in extensive learning contents, even before a first in-water locomotion is possible. While there are different ways to quantify performance in swimming (e.g. time tracking), assessingbasic aquatic skills solely refers to the teachers' or coaches' experience, if not gut instinct. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an easy-to-apply assessementtool that quantifies basic aquatic skillsto help estimating the stages of development in children. To capture basic aquatic skills, 22 (pre)school children (non-swimmers) performed 19developed consecutive tasks according to physical in-water characteristics. Performances were video recorded and rated by four peer groups (i.e., coaches, teachers, students, parents) using standardized evaluation sheets. Peers (total n=809) comprised different levels of swim teaching qualification and experience. Using the peer groups' ratings, inter-rater reliability was computed. Findings revealed that the presented easy-to-apply assessment of basic aquatic skills (ABAS) is reliable according to substantial agreement between the peer groups' ratings.Thus, ABAS has benefit for educational concepts and learning-to-swim classes. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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