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Autor/inn/enPilous, Roland; Leuders, Timo
TitelNovice and expert teachers' content-related pedagogical reasoning.
QuelleIn: RISTAL : Research in Subject-matter Teaching and Learning, 6 (2023) 1, S. 1-15Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLehrer; Fachwissen; Fachdidaktik
AbstractIn this exploratory study, we seek to contrast the content-related pedagogical reasoning shown by prospective and experienced teachers - i.e., their reasoning for or against the use of subject-matter representations that draw on content knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge. We conducted think-aloud interviews with seven prospective teachers and seven experienced teachers based on a situation of planning to teach with a specific task. The teachers' pedagogical reasoning was analysed by means of content analysis. The data showed that expert teachers engage substantially more in content-related pedagogical reasoning than novices. In particular, expert teachers' reasoning is predominantly based on their knowledge of content and students and on curricular knowledge.
Erfasst vonComenius-Institut, Münster
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