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Autor/inZamojska, Eva
TitelNation and gender in Polish and Czech school textbooks.
QuelleAus: Hildebrandt-Wypych, Dobrochna (Hrsg.); Wiseman, Alexander W. (Hrsg.): Comparative perspectives on school textbooks. Analyzing shifting discourses on nationhood, citizenship, gender, and religion. Cham: palgrave macmillan, Springer International Publishing AG (2021) S. 101-110
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BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 109-110
Dokumenttyponline; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN978-3-030-68718-2; 978-3-030-68719-9
SchlagwörterCurriculum; Geschlecht; Nation; Polen; Schulbuch; Schulbuchforschung; Curriculum; Schulbuch; Schulbuchforschung; Geschlecht; Nation; Polen
AbstractSince the beginning of modernity, school education in Europe has developed as an activity of nation states (Gellner, 1991). In democratic and nondemocratic states alike, school education (including its curriculum) used to be dominated by cultural uni? cation of society, which was considered synonymous with the national state. Prior to World War 2 those objectives were understood as natural derivatives of the dominance of one ethnic group (nation) in a given country. Slow yet systematic transformation of national states into multinational states (as a result of postwar migrations and late twentieth-century globalization) challenged the above educational axiom. Emancipation attempts of various minorities and previously marginalized social groups intensi? ed (Zamojska, 2016). Those social processes constituted the backdrop for an impulse that triggered changes in how formal education was organized. Generally, these changes can be described as questioning the existing principles of distribution of educational goods, challenging the theory of meritocracy and- as a matter of consequence- striving for a more just distribution. The concept of inclusive education is the most complete embodiment of the above changes.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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