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Autor/inAhmad, Akhlaq
TitelDo Equal Qualifications Yield Equal Rewards for Immigrants in the Labour Market?
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Bringen gleiche Qualifikationen von Einwanderern auch gleiche Erträge auf dem Arbeitsmarkt?
QuelleIn: Work, employment & society, 34 (2020) 5, S. 826-843
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSoziale Ungleichheit; Bildungsertrag; Diskriminierung; Migrationshintergrund; Rassismus; Personalauswahl; Arbeitsmarktchance; Bewerbung; Ethnische Gruppe; Finnland; Herkunftsland
Abstract"Using a correspondence field experiment, the study reported in this article has investigated if immigrant job applicants with equivalent qualifications are treated differently in the Finnish labour market. The study consists of 5000 job applications that were sent out to 1000 advertised positions by five applicants of Finnish, English, Iraqi, Russian and Somali backgrounds, who differed only in their names. The findings show that applicants of immigrant origin receive significantly fewer invitations for a job interview than the native candidate, even if they possess identical language proficiency, education and vocational diplomas. However, the extent of discrimination is not equally distributed among the immigrant groups. Rather, job applicants from non-European backgrounds seem to suffer a significantly greater labour-market penalty. The findings clearly suggest that, despite anti-discrimination legislation and measures aimed at promoting equal employment opportunities, discrimination continues to remain a serious barrier to immigrants' labour-market integration in a Nordic welfare society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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