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Autor/inJanciauskas, Rolandas
TitelAukstesniuju klasiu mokiniu elgesio sunkumai mokykloje.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Verhaltensprobleme älterer Schüler in der Schule.; Senior pupils' behavioural difficulties at school.
QuelleIn: Sporto mokslas, 13 (2018) 3/4=93/94, S. 3-16
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1392-1401; 2424-3949
SchlagwörterAbweichendes Verhalten; Aggression; Abweichendes Verhalten; Aggression; Schüler; Sportpsychologie; Sportsoziologie; Schulsport; Sportpädagogik; Schüler; Soziales Verhalten; Schulsport; Sportpsychologie; Sportpädagogik; Sportsoziologie; Jugendlicher
AbstractThe individual's ability to behave in a constructive manner in various social situations, to follow public rules and norms without violating the rights and freedoms of other people, and the ability to communicate by choosing the right means of communication determine a successful adaptation in the society and a level of education. However, adolescents inevitably face various negative social phenomena at school, thus, aggressive behaviour of pupils towards their peers or even teachers is a nowadays phenomenon at schools that reflects the processes taking place in a modern society. Aggression is conceived as hostile behaviour characterized by demonstration of superiority or even use of force against another person or group of people; it is closely linked with the efforts of each individual to overcome various conflict situations and obstacles in order to achieve goals and to adapt to a constantly changing society.Therefore, the goal of the research was to analyze senior pupils' behavioural difficulties at school. The objectives of the research were formulated as follows: 1. To review behavioural difficulties of pupils and the causes for their occurrence from a theoretical aspect. 2. To determine behavioural difficulties of senior pupils of "Zemyna" gymnasium in Klaipeda. The methods used during the research were as follows: theoretical (scientific literature analysis), empirical (a written interview using the questionnaire ASEBA - YSR 11/18; Achenbach, 2001) and statistical data analysis. The selection of respondents was based on a non-probability, convenience, purposive sampling. The sample consisted of N = 68 senior pupils of "Zemyna" gymnasium in Klaipeda.The research has determined that aggression among senior pupils causes concern and a number of senior pupils have behavioural difficulties both at home and at school. 30.2% of male pupils as well as 24.0% of female pupils often tend to dispute with others (p ( 0.001). 14.0% of male pupils and 28.0% of female pupils experience rapid changes of temper and feelings (p ( 0.001). However, female (16.0%) unlike male pupils (7.0%), require more attention from others (p ( 0.05). 23.3% of male pupils and 20.0% of female pupils are constantly suspicious and respectively 16.3% and 12.0% of them are hot-tempered (p ( 0.01). A research showed that male pupils (4.7%) often get involved in fights in conflict situations (p ( 0.01). However, girls, unlike boys of this age, never get involved in fights (96.0%), and their aggression is most often expressed (8.0%) by irritating other people (p ( 0.01). Therefore, it can be stated that senior male pupils use physical aggression more often, while female pupils often take advantage of the forms of verbal aggression to solve conflicts. (Autor).

Asmens gebejimas konstruktyviai elgtis ivairiose socialinese situacijose, laikytis visuomenes taisykliu ir normu ne-pazeidziant kitu zmoniu teisiu ir laisviu bei mokejimas bendrauti pasirenkant tinkamas bendravimo priemones lemia sekminga prisitaikyma visuomeneje ir visaverti ugdymasi. Taciau paaugliai mokykloje susiduria ir su ivairiais nega-tyviais socialiniais reiskiniais, kurie yra neisvengiami, o agresyvus mokiniu elgesys pries bendraamzius ar net pries mokytojus yra realiai mokykloje egzistuojantis reiskinys, atspindintis siuolaikineje visuomeneje vykstancius procesus. Agresija suprantama kaip priesiskas elgesys, kuriam budingas izulus pranasumo rodymas ar net jegos naudojimas kito zmogaus ar zmoniu grupes atzvilgiu, o jos raiska neatsiejamai susijusi su kiekvieno individo pastangomis iveikti ivairias konfliktines situacijas ir kliutis siekiant uzsibreztu tikslu bei prisitaikyti prie nuolat kintancios visuomenes.Todel issikeleme tyrimo tiksla - istirti aukstesniuju klasiu mokiniu elgesio sunkumus mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslui igyvendinti buvo suformuluoti uzdaviniai: 1. Teoriniu aspektu apzvelgti mokiniu elgesio sunkumu priezastis. 2. Nu-statyti Klaipedos "Zemynos" gimnazijos aukstesniuju klasiu mokiniu elgesio sunkumus mokykloje. Tyrimo metu tai-kyti metodai: teoriniai (mokslines literaturos analize), empiriniai (apklausa rastu naudojantis ASEBA ir YSR 11/18 (Achenbach, Rescorla, 2001) klausimynu) ir statistine duomenu analize. Tiriamuju imtis buvo sudaryta remiantis netikimybine, patogiaja tiksline atranka. Tiriamuju imti sudare N = 68 Klaipedos miesto "Zemynos" gimnazijos aukstesniuju klasiu mokiniai.Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad aukstesniuju klasiu mokiniu agresyvus elgesys kelia susirupinima, o kai kurie aukstes-niuju klasiu mokiniai turi elgesio sunkumu tiek namuose, tiek ir mokykloje. 30,2 % aukstesniuju klasiu vaikinu, kaip ir 24,0 % merginu, su aplinkiniais daznai yra linke gincytis (p ( 0,001). 14,0 % vaikinu ir 28,0 % merginu nuotai-kos ir jausmai staigiai keiciasi (p ( 0,001). Taciau merginos (16,0 %), skirtingai nei vaikinai (7,0 %), reikalauja is aplinkiniu daug daugiau demesio sau (p ( 0,05). 23,3 % aukstesniuju klasiu vaikinu ir 20,0 % merginu nuolat yra itarus, o 16,3 % vaikinu ir 12,0 % merginu yra karsto budo (p ( 0,01). Atliktas tyrimas parode, kad aukstesniuju klasiu vaikinai (4,7 %) konfliktu metu daznai isivelia i mustynes (p ( 0,01). Taciau merginos, priesingai nei sio am-ziaus vaikinai, niekada (96,0 %) i mustynes neisivelia, o savo agresija dazniausiai isreiskia (8,0 %) erzindamos kitus zmones (p ( 0,01). Todel galima teigti, kad aukstesniuju klasiu vaikinai dazniau naudoja fizine agresija, o merginos konfliktams spresti dazniausiai pasitelkia zodine agresija. 56,0 % aukstesniuju klasiu merginu, skirtingai nei vaikinai (30,2 %), yra labiau uzsispyrusios. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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