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Autor/inPorges, Karl
TitelKritik eines "kritischen Lehrbuches".
Der Disput um Legitimierung und Delegitimierung eines kreationistischen Schulbuches.
QuelleAus: Matthes, Eva (Hrsg.); Schütze, Sylvia (Hrsg.): Schulbücher auf dem Prüfstand. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt (2016) S. [220]-230
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ReiheKlinkhardt Forschung; Beiträge zur historischen und systematischen Schulbuch- und Bildungsmedienforschung
BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 228-230
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN3-7815-2132-X; 978-3-7815-2132-2; 978-3-7815-5638-6
SchlagwörterBildungsgeschichte; Biologieunterricht; Deutschland; Kritik; Schulbuch; Genehmigungsverfahren; Evolutionsbiologie; Schulbuchforschung; Kreationismus; Schulbuch; Schulbuchforschung; Biologieunterricht; Evolutionsbiologie; Geschichte (Histor); Kreationismus; Studiengemeinschaft; 20. Jahrhundert; 21. Jahrhundert; Genehmigungsverfahren; Kritik; Deutschland
AbstractIn 1986 the evangelical Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen [Study Alliance Word and Knowledge] published a textbook entitled Entstehung und Geschichte der Lebewesen. Daten und Deutungen für den schulischen Bereich [The Origin and History of Creatures. Data and Interpretations for the Curricular Field]. Even though the responsible school authorities rejected applications for its approval as a schoolbook, which were submitted by the publisher Weyel in several Federal States, 50,000 sold copies and its utilization in denominational schools show the ambivalence of the situation. By publishing the seventh edition entitled Evolution. Ein kritisches Lehrbuch [Evolution. A Critical Textbook] in 2013, the editors Reinhard Junker and Siegfried Scherer emphasize once again a prevailing effort to establish their book. The 30-year history of this textbook was accompanied by a dispute about creationism at German schools with contributions of reputable representatives from the fields of politic, science, and religion (cp. Kutschera/Hoßfeld 2012; Kutschera 2014a). The intent of this presentation is to reconstruct the development of the textbook and in doing so to disclose the ambition of the editors and supporters to socially legitimize it by integrating it into school. Using the example of the public scientific critique and the agenda of the publishing companies, the approaches to socially delegitimize the educational medium are going to be elucidated. Beside the textbook as the object of dispute, publications and activities of the participating groups is the material base for this study. For the main actors typical fragments of their dispute positions will be presented, furthermore those fragments are going to be exemplarily subjected to a detailed content analysis, which will shed light on the institutional context, linguistic-rhetoric means, and content-ideological statements. Finally this approach serves as a reflection of arguments shaped in this debate and for future use of this topic as knowledge about a "critical textbook", which is worth of criticism from a scientific point of view. (DIPF/Orig.).
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