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Autor/inCalvagna, Isabella
TitelRaising the quality of education in Europe by reducing the rate of early school leaving through international cooperation.
QuelleMünchen: Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (2015), 365 S.
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Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2015.
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterSchule; Versagen; Projekt; Internationale Zusammenarbeit; Dissertation; Abbruch; Qualitätsentwicklung; Europäische Union; Europa
AbstractEarly school leaving [ESL] is an obstacle to economic growth and employment. It hampers productivity and competitiveness, and fuels poverty and social exclusion. With its shrinking workforce, Europe has to make full use of its human resources. Young people who leave education and training prematurely are bound to lack skills and qualifications, and to face serious, persistent problems on the labor market. The latest Education and Training Monitor showed that there are nearly 5,5 million early school leavers across Europe and that the average unemployment rate amongst them is about 40% . [...] The aim of EUROPE 2020 Strategy is to reduce the average percentage of early school leavers from 14.1% to less than 10% by 2020. This means all young people aged between 18 and 25, who are not undertaking education/training and increasing the rate of tertiary qualification to 40 %. The aim of this research is to provide evidence that international cooperation is needed in order to achieve the set goals. [...] The present research offers a useful tool to compare some best practices in Europe, that thanks to dissemination, can help policy makers, schools or professional, involved in the struggle against school failure, to reducing the rate of early school-leaving below 10%. By sharing them, it will be possible to reach easily the set target of Europe 2020 Strategy among State members in order to guarantee its social and economic welfare. [...] Chapter 1 is an introduction to present dissertation followed by the Targets of Europe 2020 Strategy. In Chapter 2, different definitions of ESL as adopted by different EU partners, will be analysed. In Chapter 3, [the author] will consider what kind of problem ESL is, in relation to the commitment undertaken by the EU partners, in view of Europe 2020 strategy. Main theories about the learning process have been be necessary, in order to understand the neuroscience approach behind it, and to better understand and recognize disorder are sometimes late diagnosed or underestimated (Chapt. 4). The main criteria to identify children/pupils at risk and the different approaches, if individually or as an organized target group are the topic of Chapter 5. The study goes deeper looking at the causes of ESL, which will be analysed from an individual and external point of view (Chapter 6). A focus on the pupils' background was needed identifying those Factors, which are more family or school-related (Chapter 7). Systemic factors or school-based factors as the most influential in undermining the students' performances, are better described in the following Chapter 8. The consequences and risks related to ESL are discussed in Chapter 9. The Economic impact of ESL, which is a dramatic burden on Europe economy, is analysed in Chapter 10. Analysing the possible actions from the assumption that preventing is better than cure. Prevention, intervention and compensation actions are considered in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 is focused on the quality of education in ECEC and Chapter 13 is about the quality of education in higher education, following the EU 2020 strategy. Second chance schemes have been proposed as alternatives to educational choices in Chapter 14. Special target groups as migrant students are the content of Chapter 15. There is a section dedicated to some case studies reported as some of the best EU experiences, providing an overview about those countries that are performing better in terms of educational outcomes and registering lower ESL rates, and some more examples of countries which, despite active intervention are still above the 10% as the set EU standards (Chapter 16). Chapters 17, 18 and 19 describe The Dutch, Belgium and Spain Experience. Chapter 20, is about the Italian experience is analysed in describing the school system first and some actions, which have been undertaken in Turin. Chapter 21 describes some good examples of international cooperation in Europe. In Chapter 22 learning from best practices in Europe, few case studies have been reported, following the grouping in four macro-areas. Chapter 23 is about the EU Commission recommendations that influence so deeply policy making in Europe and guide the present EU strategy. The Europe 2020 Strategy as a comprehensive approach to ESL is provided in Chapter 24. Chapter 25 opens to the recent view of Horizon 2020, the new EU Strategy, which is building a bridge over Europe's future perspectives to innovation and research, where education places a fundamental role. Finally, in the Chapter 26 [the author] draws conclusions about this research project on ESL, that Europe could fight by using a holistic/comprehensive approach, which can provide better results and students' performances. The research has taken into account some examples of case studies related to ESL which have been implemented either at local level by educational project carried out by EU municipalities. It will in particular analyse the international Network the ECEC Early Childhood Education and Care network and the Nesse Report; these independent work was submitted to the EU Commission for the Thematic Working Group on ESL, addressed to local and national policy makers involved in the difficult task of achieving the Europe 2020 target. My research will also provide evidence about the experiences carried out by those countries that have already succeeded in achieving the set target of the Europe 2020 strategy. The dissemination of the projects that have already been experienced and were successful can bring better and new perspectives to policy makers or school institutions, working on the difficult task of ESL. Reducing ESL is an important target for sustainable, smart and inclusive economy that Europe needs for a better future. Better Quality in Education in the future will certainly raise the standards of education but also bring welfare and prosperity to its citizens as a benefit if more efforts and investments, but especially motivation and trust, will be put together in a cohesive climate of collaboration, among EU countries. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDeutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
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