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Autor/inn/enMartens, Thomas; Metzger, Christiane; Schulmeister, Rolf
TitelMotivational regulation in higher education based on an integrated model of learning and action.
QuelleAus: Boström, Lena (Hrsg.); Augustsson, Gunnar (Hrsg.); Evans, Carol (Hrsg.); Cools, Eva (Hrsg.); Charlesworth, Zarina M. (Hrsg.): Building learning capacity for life. Proceedings of the 18th annual conference of the Education, learning, styles, induvidual differences network. [an international multi-disciplinary conference 18 - 19 - 20 June 2013 Billund, Denmark]. Brno: Tribun EU (2013) S. 174-183Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheELSIN. 18. Education, learning, styles, individual differences network
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN80-263-0384-9; 978-80-263-0384-8
SchlagwörterRasch-Modell; Empirische Untersuchung; Fragebogen; Lernen; Lernmotivation; Motivation; Latent-Class-Analyse; Modell; Regulation; Typologie; Student; Dokumentation; Deutschland
AbstractThis study investigates if motivational regulation leads to a successful learning behaviour. As theoretical background served a comprehensive theoretical model of action and learning which broadens the theory of action phases with specific elements of emotional regulation. 205 bachelor students of business administration answered an online questionnaire including 53 students with detailed data on course grades and study-time measure with a daily time-diary over a period of five months. Questionnaire Scales: Perceived threat, sensitive coping, acceptance of responsibility, outcome expectancy, self-efficacy, persistent goal pursuit: maintenance, persistent goal pursuit: distraction, goal congruent monitoring, working with peers, generation of positive emotions, effort avoidance after negative emotions, metacognitive learning strategies. In a 2-step-analysis process based on mixed-distribution models, 5 pattern of motivational regulation were identified: pragmatic learning motivation (26%), strategic learning motivation (21%), threat oriented leaning motivation (20%), negative learning motivation (17%), self-determined learning motivation (17%). The study-time investment and grades of these 5 student types were as expected with one exception. The students with a negative learning motivation display surprisingly good grades and very high investment of learning time. This might be the result of a selection process and seems to be very simple compensation strategy for amotivation. The Integrated Model of Learning and Action seems very useful to identify different styles of motivational regulation and explaining grades as well as invested learning time. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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