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Autor/inn/enNováková Lokvencová, Petra; Frömel, Karel; Chmelik, Frantisek; Groffik, Dorota; Bebcáková, Viera
TitelSchool and weekend physical activity of 15-16 year old Czech, Slovak and Polish adolescents.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die körperliche Aktivität an Schultagen und am Wochenende vom tschechischen, slowakischen und polnischen Jugendlichen im Alter von 15 bis 16 Jahren.
QuelleIn: Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica, 41 (2011) 3, S. 39-45
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1212-1185; 1213-8312
SchlagwörterVergleichsuntersuchung; Junge; Schule; Aktivität; Bewegung (Motorische); Bewegungsverhalten; Schritt; Freizeit; Wochentag; Jugendlicher; Mädchen; Polen; Slowakei; Tschechische Republik
AbstractWhen it comes to physical activity, adolescents are the group at the highest risk. When monitoring physical activity in adolescents, it is necessary to differentiate school and weekend days. School days are crucial in adolescents' weekly physical activity. The aim of the study is to identify to what extent the school day and weekend physical activity levels differ in Czech, Polish and Slovakian boys and girls with different cultural and education backgrounds in Central Europe. The research was carried out in the Czech Republic in Moravia (11 schools, 383 participants), in Poland in the Katowice region (11 schools, 327 participants) and in Slovakia in the Presov region (8 schools, 252 participants). In total, 421 boys and 541 girls participated in the study. Participants wore YAMAX pedometers for seven days and recorded measured values onto a record sheet and into the internet Indares system. The results were processed using repeated ANOVA analyses and contingent charts. Czech, Polish, and Slovak boys and girls showed a significantly higher number of steps on school days than on weekend days. No difference between boys and girls was found on any day of the week in any of the states. The lowest number of steps was found, both in girls and boys, on Sundays. The highest number of daily steps was measured in Czech boys (n=14015 steps/day), Polish girls (n=12074 steps/day) and Slovakian girls (n=12040 steps/day) on Fridays. Boys and girls in all three states were more physically active on school days than on weekend days. Wearing pedometers eliminated the differences between weekly physical activity in boys and girls in the Czech Republic, Poland and in Slovakia. Under Central European conditions, it was proven that wearing pedometers positively influences physical activity in girls. Verf.-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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