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Sonst. PersonenBrown, Roger (Hrsg.)
TitelHigher education and the market.
QuelleNew York, NY u.a.: Routledge (2011), XIII, 231 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-0-203-84900-2; 978-0-415-99168-1; 978-0-415-99169-8
SchlagwörterBildungsökonomie; Kommerzialisierung; Markt; Wettbewerb; Studium
AbstractIntroduction / Roger Brown -- Markets and non-markets / Roger Brown -- The impact of markets / Roger Brown -- Markets in the US higher education system: imperfect competition for undergraduates / Christopher C. Morphew and Barrett J. Taylor -- The developing student market in Australian higher education / Gavin Moodie -- False economy?: multiple markets, reputational hierarchy, and incremental policymaking in UK higher education / William Locke -- Markets in Dutch higher education: improving performance and quality in a hands-off governance setting / Ben Jongbloed -- Portuguese higher education: more competition and less market regulation? / Pedro Teixeira and Alberto Amaral -- Diversification and competition in German higher education / Lydia Hartwig -- Emerging markets in the Finnish system / Seppo Holtta, Tea Janssen, and Jussi Kivisto -- Creeping marketization: where Polish public and private sectors meet / Marek Kwiek -- The marketization of higher education: a perspective from Japan / Futao Huang -- Taming the beast / Roger Brown.
Erfasst vonZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Kiel
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