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Autor/inBooij, Geert
TitelConstructions and Lexical Units: An Analysis of Dutch Numerals.
QuelleIn: Linguistische Berichte. Sonderheft, (2010) 17, S. 81-99Verfügbarkeit 
Spracheenglisch; niederländische Zitate
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLexikalische Einheit; Morphologie; Syntax; Wortbildung; Niederländisch
AbstractThe construction of Dutch numerical expressions throws light on the architecture of the grammar. Numerical expressions in Dutch may be created by both syntactic and morphological means. The construction of these numerals is partially a matter of conventionalized forms of syntactic coordination, subject to specific constraints. These restrictions reflect the universal Packing Strategy. Dutch ordinals exhibit an interesting mismatch between form and meaning that can be accounted for by means of a schema. The construction of numerical expressions with half illustrates the necessity of more specific constructional idioms, schemas in which one or more of the constituents is lexically fixed. The numeral system of Dutch provides clear evidence for an architecture of grammar in which constructional schemas (both syntactic and morphological ones) of different degrees of abstraction play a necessary role. (Verlag).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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