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Autor/inn/enBredgaard, Thomas; Larsen, Flemming; Jorgensen, Henning; Barbier, Jean-Claude; Nedergaard, Peter; Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang; Mailand, Mikkel; Sol, El; Struyven, Ludo; Considine, Mark; Moller, Lars Rune; Finn, Dan; Wilthagen, Ton; Madsen, Per Kongshoj; Tros, Frank; Ibsen, Felmming; Jespen, Maria; Velzen, Martijn van; Bergström, Ola; Lassnigg, Lorenz; Watt, Andrew; Kerckhofs, Peter; Lieshout, H. van; Kamphuis, P.; Jellema, F.; Lassen, Morten; Sorensen, John Houman; Lindkvist, Anja; Jorgensen, V.; Nielsen, Peter; Ludvall, Bengt-Ake
Sonst. PersonenBredgaard, Thomas (Hrsg.); Larsen, Flemming (Hrsg.)
TitelEmployment policy from different angles.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Verschiedene Sichtweisen der Beschäftigungspolitik.
QuelleCopenhagen: DJØF Publ. (2005), 525 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLernprozess; Aktivierung; Europäische Integration; Sozialpartnerschaft; Sozialpolitik; Leiharbeit; Privatisierung; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; Arbeitsvermittlung; Atypische Beschäftigung; Beschäftigungspolitik; Private Arbeitsvermittlung; Weiterbildung; Weiterbildungsmarkt; Lebenslanges Lernen; Europäische Union; Älterer Arbeitnehmer; Australien; Deutschland; Dänemark; Niederlande
Abstract"Employment policy has become high politics. Expectations are high. So are the dilemmas in reaching balanced and robust solutions. The main theme of this book is whether employment policy can deliver and live up to the high expectations. Can more and better jobs for all be created without increasing levels of inequality? Can more flexible labour markets be created while maintaining - or even enhancing - the job and employment security of workers? Can private providers deliver 'better and cheaper' services than the former public employment service, and what are the implications of these new 'quasi-markets' for employment services? Is life-long learning and the knowledge economy the solution in an age of globalisation and outsourcing of low-skilled and low-wage jobs? Will national governments - and not least the European Union - deliver on its promises? We approach these questions from an inter-disciplinary and comparative perspective by focusing on four main themes: 1. The European employment strategy and activation policies 2. Contracting out of public employment services 3. Employment policy from a flexicurity perspective 4. Life-long learning." Die Untersuchung enthält quantitative Daten. Forschungsmethode: deskriptive Studie. (author's abstract, IAB-Doku). Contents: Thomas Bredgaard, Flemming Larsen: Chapter 1. Introduction (9-19); PART 1. The European Employment Strategy and Activation Policies Henning Jorgensen: Chapter 2. The European Employment Strategy up for Revision - Effective Policy or European Cosmetics? (23-46); Jean-Claude Barbier: Chapter 3. Research an 'Open Methods of Coordination' and National Social Policies: What Sociological Theories and Methods? (47-74); Peter Nedergaard: Chapter 4. Mutual Learning Processes of the European Employment Strategy: Theoretical Approaches and Methodologies (75-93); Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer: Chapter 5. Activating Germany (95-114); Flemming Larsen: Chapter 6. Active Labour Market Policy in Denmark as an example of Transitional Labour Market and Flexicurity arrangements - What can be Learnt? (115-133); Mikkel Mailand: Chapter 7. The Involvement of Social Partners in Active Labour Market Policy - do the Patterns fit Expectations from Regimes Therories? (135-151); PART 2. Contracting out Public Employment Services Els Sol: Chapter B. Contracting out of Public Employment Systems from a Governance Perspective (155-173); Ludo Struyven: Chapter 9. The New Institutional Logic of Public Employment Services (175-189); Mark Considine: Chapter 10. Steering, Efficiency and Partnership: The Australian Quasi-market for Public Employment Services (191-210); Thomas Bredgaard, Flemming Larsen, Lars Rune Moller: Chapter 11. Contracting out the Public Employment Service in Denmark: A quasi-market Anlysis (211-231); Dan Finn: Chapter 12. 'Contracting Out' and Contestability: Modernising the British Public Employment Service (233-249); PART 3. Employment Policy from a Flexicurity Perspective Ton Wilthagen: Chapter 13. Striking a Balance? Flexibility and Security in European Labour Markets (253-267); Per Kongshoj Madsen: Chapter 14. The Danish Road to 'Flexicurity' Where are we? And how did we get there? (269-289); Frank Tros: Chapter 15. Flexicurity in the Policies for the Older Workers (291-310); Thomas Bredgaard, Flemming Larsen: Chapter 16. Flexicurity and Older Workers an the Danish Labour Market (311-330); Flemming Ibsen: Chapter 17. Flexicurity and Collective Agreements in Denmark in a Microeconomic Perspective (331-338); Maria Jepsen: Chapter 18. Towards a Gender Impact Analysis of Flexicurity (339-350); Martin van Velzen: Chapter 19. Of Movers and Makers: Flexibility and Security for Workers in the Value Added Logistics Industry (351-364); Ola Bergström: Chapter 20. Temporary Work Agencies and Labour Market Policy (365-389); PART 4. Lifelong Learning to promote Employment and Working life Lorenz Lassnigg: Chapter 21. Labour Market Training, Lifelong Learning Policy, and Transitional Labour Markets (393-420); Andrew Watt: Chapter 22. Learning to be Realistic: Some Limitations of Lifelong Learning in Employment Policy (421-435); Peter Kerckhofs: Chapter 23. European Social Dialogue an Lifelong Learning (437-458); H. van Lieshout, P. Kamphuis, F. Jellema, T. Wilthagen: Chapter 24. Stimulating Continuing Vocational Training in the Netherlands (459-477); Morten Lassen, John Houman Sorensen, Anja Lindkvist V. Jorgensen: Chapter 25. Training in Networks and Trade Union Influence a Danish Case Study (479-504); Peter Nielsen, Bengt-Äke Lundvall: Chapter 26. Innovation and Job Creation in the Learning Economy. (505-521).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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