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Autor/inn/enAchilles, C. M.; und weitere
TitelThe Change Process in Real Life: Tracking Implementation of Effective Schooling Elements in Project SHAL, St. Louis.
Quelle(1983), (29 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterChange Strategies; Educational Assessment; Educational Improvement; Elementary Education; Evaluation Criteria; Evaluation Methods; Improvement Programs; Models; Moral Development; Pilot Projects; Program Implementation; School Effectiveness
AbstractProject SHAL in St. Louis (Missouri) involved an attempt to reproduce effective schooling elements, as identified by research, in four inner-city schools, including one middle school (Stowe) and three K-5 schools (Hempstead, Arlington, and Laclede). The pilot project required the development of a replication model to track project implementation, assist in replication in other schools, and provide some evaluation guidance. The replication model was based on elements of change and communication theory. Effective schooling research identified key program elements that were the focus of implementation efforts: administrative leadership, school climate, high expectations, commitment to basic skills, and regular and continuous assessment. The presence of these elements designated full implementation. This communication/change matrix was related to moral development stages described by Kohlberg. The SHAL replication model helped educators understand change and track implementation in complex change efforts. It identified communication as the important factor in change and suggested that durable change requires conviction. Figures include a summary of effective schooling elements and the SHAL replication model. Four pages of the project's interim evaluation report are appended. (PB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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