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Autor/inn/enFoulger, Teresa S.; Ewbank, Ann Dutton; Kay, Adam; Popp, Sharon Osborn; Carter, Heather Lynn
TitelMoral Spaces in MySpace: Preservice Teachers' Perspectives about Ethical Issues in Social Networking
QuelleIn: Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42 (2009) 1, S.1-28 (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPreservice Teachers; Sanctions; Interpersonal Relationship; Interaction; Social Networks; Ethics; Education Courses; Student Attitudes; Educational Policy; Personnel Policy; College Freshmen; Matched Groups; Vignettes; Intervention; Preservice Teacher Education; Public Opinion; Teacher Discipline; Teacher Behavior; Privacy; Teacher Rights; Case Method (Teaching Technique); Guidelines; Computer Mediated Communication; Web Sites; Internet
AbstractMySpace and Facebook are innovative digital communication tools that surpass traditional means of social interaction. However, in some instances in which educators have used these tools, public reactions to them have resulted in sanctions. With the notion that traditional ideas of privacy and teacher conduct are not yet defined in online worlds, the researchers developed a case-based reasoning intervention to support more informed decisions by preservice teachers. The case-based coursework led students to perceive a need for more definitive guidelines about their participation in social networking spaces. The findings have professional development implications for educators and educational institutions that wish to harness the positive potential of social networking tools without risking professional status. (Contains 11 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Society for Technology in Education. 180 West *th Avenue, Suite 300, Eugene, OR 97401-2916. Tel: 800-336-5191; Tel: 541-302-3777; Fax: 541-302-3778; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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