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Autor/inn/enLeFloch, Kerstin; Stoker, Ginger
InstitutionTexas Education Research Center
TitelDistrict and School Closure in Texas: Implementation, Impact, and Implications. Policy Brief
Quelle(2018), (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSchool Closing; School Districts; Consolidated Schools; Charter Schools; School Choice; Outcomes of Education; Educational Policy; Texas
AbstractThis study of district closure and charter termination includes more than 18,000 students in four districts and more than 48 charter schools. Four main types of schools are included in these analyses: (1) District consolidation in which schools closed entirely and students transferred to schools in a new district (Wilmer-Hutchins ISD and Kendleton ISD); (2) District consolidation in which district accreditation was revoked, but the schools remained open, but within the jurisdiction of a new school district (North Forest and La Marque); (3) Charter schools from which the charter was terminated, the school closed, and students transferred to new schools; and (4) Charter schools from which the charter was terminated, but the school remained open because TEA allowed for the expansion of an existing charter to take over the campus of the charter being revoked. The analyses sought to address the following questions: (1) How did district consolidation and charter school closure influence student enrollment patterns? (2) How did district consolidation and charter school closure impact student achievement? (3) When a campus remained open but changed management, how did new management influence student achievement and other school-level variables? and (4) What policy recommendations can be derived from the results of these analyses? (ERIC).
AnmerkungenTexas Education Research Center. University of Texas at Austin, Pickle Research Campus, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg #137 TCB, Rm 1.143A, L4500, Austin, TX 78758; Tel: 512-471-4528; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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