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Autor/inKibbee, Douglas A. Ed.
TitelLanguage Legislation and Linguistic Rights: Selected Proceedings of the Language Legislation and Linguistic Rights Conference (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, March 21-23, 1996). IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society, Volume 2.
Quelle(1998), (432 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; African Languages; English Only Movement; Ethnic Groups; Federal Legislation; Foreign Countries; French; Language Attitudes; Language Dominance; Language Maintenance; Language Minorities; Language of Instruction; Language Planning; Language Skill Attrition; Language Standardization; Limited English Speaking; Linguistics; Official Languages; Public Policy; Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Second Languages; Sociolinguistics; Spanish; Spanish Speaking; State Legislation; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Brazil; Canada; European Union; Russia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; United States
AbstractThis edited volume of conference papers contains the following titles: "Presentation: Realism and Idealism in Language Conflict and Their Resolution" (Douglas A. Kibbee); "Legal and Linguistic Perspectives on Language Legislation" (Douglas A. Kibbee); "The Linguistic Rights of Non-English Speaking Suspects, Witnesses, Victims, and Defendants" (Kate Storey); "Great Mischiefs--An Historical Look at Language Legislation" (Ruth Morris); "The Criminalization of Spanish in the United States" (Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza); "Towards Consensus? Standard English in the National Curriculum" (Joan Swann); "Beyond Anglo-Saxon Confederation: The Clash of World Hegemonies in the Language Ideologies of Arthur Balfour and Woodrow Wilson" (Chris Andre); "Anatomy of the English-Only Movement: Social and Ideological Sources of Language Restrictionism in the United States" (James Crawford); "The Courts, the Legislature and Society: The Shaping of Federal Language Policy in the United States" (Thomas Ricento); "Language Rights Arguments in Central Europe and the USA: How Similar Are They?" (Miklos Kontra); "What Happens After English is Declared the Official Language of the United States?" (Terrence G. Wiley); "A Historical Perspective on Language Policy in Russia" (Elena Schmitt); "Majority Language, Minority Misery: The Case of Sri Lanka" (Richard W. Bailey); "On the Eleven-Official Languages Policy of the New South Africa" (Sheila Mmusi); "OAU's Resolutions on African Languages and the State of Their Implementation" (Kahambo Mateene); "Language Policy in Education and the Future of Indigenous Languages in Post-Aparthied South Africa" (Joyce B. Sukumane); "Language and Human Rights in Africa" (Michel Ngussan) "The Case for Brazilian Sign Language: A Deaf Community Finds Its Voice" (Norine Berenz); "Requirements, Dynamics and Realities of Language Use in the EU: A Case Study of the European Commission" (Carsten Quell); "French Language Policy and Francophonie" (Louis-Jean Calvet); "Quebec's Charter of the French Language Twenty Years After" (Gerald Paquette); "The Philosophy of the French Language Legislation: Internal and International Aspects" (Yves Marek); "The Role of the French Language in Maintaining Linguistic Diversity in North America: Some Gluttopolitical Considerations" (Normand Labrie). A bibliography is included, and is divided in general and court decision sections. There are also three indexes -- for personal names, languages, and a general index. Scholarly references appear at the end of each paper. (KFT)
AnmerkungenJohn Benjamins North America, P.O. Box 27519, Philadelphia, PA 19118-0519 ($87). Tel: 800-562-5666 (Toll Free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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