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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenMaushak, Nancy J. (Hrsg.); Schlosser, Charles (Hrsg.); Lloyd, Thomas N. (Hrsg.); Simonson, Michael (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology, Washington, DC.
TitelProceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division (20th, St. Louis, Missouri, February 18-22, 1998).
Quelle(1998), (515 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Computer Uses in Education; Cooperative Learning; Distance Education; Educational Environment; Educational Innovation; Educational Strategies; Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Hypermedia; Instructional Design; Instructional Material Evaluation; Multimedia Materials; Problem Based Learning; Telecommunications; World Wide Web
AbstractSubjects addressed by the 55 papers in this proceedings include: teaching literacy; hypermedia navigation and design; creating a community of thinkers; analysis-based message design; learner-instruction interactions; representation of time-based information in visual design; presentation interference; professional development through anecdotes; cybercourse model design and implications; computer-based instructional simulation; effects of computer conferencing and multiple intelligences on expository writing; promoting self-esteem, achievement, and multicultural understanding through distance learning; computer use when universally available; university academic achievement in a distance education setting; START (Student Trainers as Resource Technologists); improving oral, writing, and thinking skills; developing effective instruction; improving mathematics instruction using technology; design model for learner-centered, computer-based simulations; open-ended learning environments; how local school districts formulate educational technology policy; inductive multimedia programs; creating electronic learning environments; instructional technology research; the foundations of the field; systematic change in education; software needs of public and higher education; hypertext processing; narrative versus step-by-step computer instruction; managing performance-based learning; reflection as a means of developing expertise in problem solving, decision making, and complex thinking of designers; effect of color-coding on locus of control; interaction and collaboration via computer conferencing; the STEPS (Support for Teachers Enhancing Performance in Schools) tool for instructional planning; pre-service teacher preparation; facilitating teachers' Internet use; two-way audio/video distance education environments; learner ability and control; interaction patterns in distance education; visual literacy instruction; designing multimedia for college engineering courses; preK-12 educators' information needs; physical place and lived topographies; enhancing course offerings using interactive technologies; awareness of cognitive style in hypermedia; restructuring course delivery; university faculty Internet use; evaluation of a graduate seminar conducted by listserv; computer-assisted automation of multiplication facts in elementary schools; intergenerational electronic communications in the curriculum; observation skills training for health care professionals; integrated learning systems; and personalized independent learning systems. ERIC document numbers of previous AECT (Association of Educational Communications and Technology) proceedings, AECT Research and Theory Division officers and board, and paper reviewers are listed, and an AECT membership application and fact sheet are included. (DLS) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology. 1800 North Stonelake Drive Suite 2, Bloomington, IN 47408. Tel: 877-677-2328; Tel: 812-335-7675; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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