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Autor/inRieber, Lloyd P.
TitelThe Effects of Computer Animated Elaboration Strategies and Practice on Factual and Application Learning in an Elementary Science Lesson.
Quelle(1988), (11 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnalysis of Variance; Animation; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Graphics; Elementary School Science; Elementary School Students; Feedback; Intermediate Grades; Physics; Time Factors (Learning); Transfer of Training
AbstractThis study examined the effects of animation and practice on factual and application learning in computer based instruction (CBI), and the extent to which animation and practice promoted near and far transfer of these learning outcomes. Subjects were 192 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders, and the CBI content was an elementary physics lesson in Newtonian mechanics. Two levels of practice (Relevant Practice and Irrelevant Practice) were crossed with three levels of graphic type (Graphic, Animated Graphic, and No Graphic) and two levels of text type (Text and No Text). No significant differences were found for the between-subjects factors of practice, graphic type, and text type. Among the within-subject factors (Learning Outcome and Transfer), a main effect was for transfer, i.e., subjects performed significantly better on far transfer questions than on near transfer questions. A significant interaction was also detected among Learning Outcome and Transfer, i.e., far learning was facilitated for factual learning, whereas no difference in transfer was detected for application learning. Results of the data analyses are displayed in two tables. (21 references) (Author/EW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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