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Autor/inn/enSimpson, Bruce; und weitere
InstitutionGeorgia Univ., Athens. Div. of Vocational Education.
TitelMedical Lab Technician. Post Secondary Curriculum Guide.
Quelle(1981), (391 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Allied Health Occupations Education; Behavioral Objectives; Competence; Course Descriptions; Definitions; Educational Facilities; Employment Potential; Group Instruction; Guidelines; Individualized Instruction; Instructional Development; Instructional Materials; Job Skills; Learning Activities; Medical Laboratory Assistants; Models; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Records (Forms); Resources; State Curriculum Guides; Student Evaluation; Technical Education; Vocational Education; Georgia
AbstractIntended to provide a model for organizing vocational instructional content, this curriculum guide consists of information pertinent to conducting a postsecondary level course for training medical lab technicians. While the guide is primarily oriented towards the classroom, whether as a primary resource or as a supplement to other teaching methods, it may also assist administrators, counselors, and lay people involved in local school systems. Following an introductory discussion of state and local philosophy and objectives underlying vocational education, occupational information is provided concerning medical laboratory technicians. Presented next are a medical laboratory task index and unit guides. A medical laboratory technician course outline is presented along with a discussion of medical laboratory technician curriculum structure. Various student records are supplied. Examined next are facility layouts for both group and individualized instruction. The three appendixes to the guide contain a list of instructional resources and resource addresses, material for use in working with special needs students, and definitions. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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