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Autor/inn/enLoehlin, John C.; und weitere
InstitutionTexas Christian Univ., Fort Worth. Inst. of Behavioral Research.
TitelNeeded Research on the Genes and Environment in Human Psychological Development: Perspectives from Behavior Genetics. A Special Report of the USOE-Sponsored Grant Study: Critical Appraisal of Research in the Personality-Emotions-Motivation Domain.
[Report No.: IBR-R-72-13
Quelle(1971), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavioral Science Research; Design Requirements; Environment; Environmental Influences; Genetics; Heredity; Human Development; Individual Development; Research Needs; State of the Art Reviews
AbstractThe task group report presented in this publication is one of a series prepared by eminent psychologists who have served as consultants in the U.S.O.E.-sponsored grant study to conduct a Critical Appraisal of the Personality-Emotions-Motivation Domain. In order to attain the goal of identifying important problems and areas for new research and methodological issues related to them, an approach was followed in which leading investigators in specialized areas were enlisted as members of task groups and asked to reflect on their current knowledge of ongoing research and to identify the research needs in their respective areas. The articles in this publication are: (1) The Genes and Environment in Human Psychological Development; Perspectives from Behavior Genetics (Loehlin); (2) The Future of Human Behavior Genetics with Special Reference to the Genes and the Environment in Cognitive Development (Vandenberg); (3) Unanswered Questions on the Relationship of Genetics to Normal Personality Variation (Scarr); and (4) The Genes and Environment in the Development of Psychopathology (Horn). (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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