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Autor/inStafford, Norman James, Jr.
TitelA Study of Selected Aspects of Teacher Education Programs at Institutions of Higher Education in Louisiana
Quelle(1978), (200 Seiten)
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Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Dissertation; Teacher Education Programs; Bachelors Degrees; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Supervision; Deans; Schools of Education; Educational Facilities; Universities; Administrator Attitudes; Teacher Education Curriculum; Professionalism; Standards; Student Evaluation; Teaching Methods; Classroom Techniques; Discipline; Teacher Student Relationship; Public Education; Public Relations; Boards of Education; Team Sports; College Athletics; Laboratory Schools; Parent Participation; Student Recruitment; School Holding Power; Educational Finance; Louisiana
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to inventory the existing conditions surrounding selected aspects of teacher education at all of the higher education institutions in Louisiana which offer four year Bachelor degree programs leading to teacher certification. This study further sought to ascertain the attitudes and opinions of those practitioners who carried the major supervisory responsibility in the teacher education process. Data were gathered through the use of two questionnaires. Questionnaire I was administered to Deans of Colleges of Education at the twenty-two colleges and universities in Louisiana which offered four-year degree programs leading to teacher certification and constituting an inventory of existing educational facilities and programs. Questionnaire II was administered to a weighted random sample of cooperative teacher trainers, college supervisors and directors of teacher training who were involved in the process of teacher education and represented attitudes and opinions of those surveyed. A response return of one hundred percent was received from Questionnaire I and a response of seventy-two percent was received from Questionnaire II. The data were presented in tabular form and analyzed in two major segments. Segment I dealt with the analysis of Questionnaire I, and segment II dealt with the analysis of Questionnaire II. The respondents reactions revealed general satisfaction with the following aspects of the teacher education process: (1) The physical facilities available including classrooms, library facilities, and laboratory school facilities. (2) All aspects of the teacher education program with respect to curriculum areas in preparing teachers. (3) The student development program, including self-discipline, individual expression of students, and preparation for further study. (4) The teacher education program, including practical experiences in the classroom, practical experiences in the field, the ethics of teaching, maintaining professional standards, knowledge of subject matter, command of oral and written English, understanding of aims and objectives, and evaluation of pupil progress. (5) The teacher education program, including ability to establish disciplinary control, varied instructional techniques, daily preparation, ability in stimulating thought, ability in organizing subject matter, classroom management, making assignments, adapting to varying situations, caring for individual needs, teacher-pupil planning, stimulating creativity, and ability in using various teaching media. (6) The implementation of accountability into the education process. The respondents attitudes revealed a high degree of dissatisfaction in the following areas: (1) The present image of public education. (2) The public relations program conducted by educators. (3) Inadequate financing of education and low teacher salaries. (4) Lack of parental involvement in education. (5) The ability of colleges of education to attract and retain superior students. (6) The role of the laboratory school In reflecting average or typical situations. (7) The overemphasis of college sports to the detriment of the academic program. (8) The lack of emphasis on education by state government leaders.9. The Board structure of education under the new constitution. Based upon the data the writer submitted a list of fifteen recommendations for the improvement of the teacher education process in relationship to the selected aspects of the study. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Tel: 800-521-0600; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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