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Sonst. PersonenDavis, Donna M. (Hrsg.)
TitelResiliency Reconsidered: Policy Implications of the Resiliency Movement. Educational Policy in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterResilience (Psychology); African American Children; Urban Schools; School Culture; Elementary Secondary Education; Academic Achievement; Organizational Change; Educational Change; Educational Experience; Educational Policy; Policy Analysis; Social Justice; African American Education; African American History; Slavery; School Organization; Social Environment; Educational Environment; Adolescents; Expectation; Affective Behavior; Art Education; Standards; Disabilities; Special Needs Students; Hispanic American Students; Higher Education; Communities of Practice; Pennsylvania
AbstractThe goal of this book is to generate discussion not only about how individuals can create meaningful educational experiences for all learners, but to challenge systems that necessitate a resilient nature. Ultimately, the authors promote the need for a foundation of socially just policies and practices in all educational settings and respond to the question: How does a paradigm of resiliency translate into institutional change that benefits everyone? This book is divided into three parts. Part I, Understanding Resiliency, contains the following: (1) A History of Resilience in African American Children and Schools: Formal and Informal Policies That Shaped the Educational Experiences of Ex-Slaves (Donna M. Davis); and (2) The Social Contextual Nature of Resiliency in Schools: Organizational Structures that Facilitate a Positive School Culture (Tierra Freeman). Part II: School Practices, contains the following: (3) Educational Resilience in Young Adolescents (Jennifer Friend); (4) Promoting Resiliency Through High Expectations: Policy Implications for the Integration of Cognitive and Affective Reform in Schools (Loyce Caruthers); (5) Student Resiliency, Institutional Structures and Arts Education: Manchester Craftsmen's Guild as a Model (Bruce Anthony Jones and Nathan D. Jackson); and (6) Fostering Resiliency in Students With Disabilities in an Era of Standards-Based Education: Paradoxes in Policy and Expectations (Jeannie Kleinhammer-Tramill). Part III: Broadening the Subject, contains the following: (7) Expanding Our Thinking of Resiliency From K-12 to Higher Education: Resolute Experiences of Academic Latinas (Juan Carlos Gonzalez) and (8) The Time Is Now: The Role of Professional Learning Communities Strengthening the Resiliency of Teachers in Urban Schools (Jennifer Waddell). A foreword by Bruce Anthony Jones and introduction by Donna M. Davis are included. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIAP - Information Age Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271-7047. Tel: 704-752-9125; Fax: 704-752-9113; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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