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Autor/inKunitz, Judith Ed.
Sonst. PersonenZamani, Rahman (Hrsg.); Guralnick, Eva (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCalifornia Childcare Health Program, Oakland.
TitelChild Care Health Connections. A Health and Safety Newsletter for California Child Care Professionals. Volume 16, Number 4. July-August 2003
Quelle(2003), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Care; Child Health; Child Safety; Young Children; Death; Motor Vehicles; Traffic Safety; Infants; Toddlers; Creativity; Caregiver Child Relationship; Food; Communicable Diseases; Medical Services; Disease Control; Seizures; Immunization Programs; Radiation; Hygiene; Conferences (Gatherings); California
Abstract"Child Care Health Connections" is a bimonthly newsletter published by the California Childcare Health Program (CCHP), a community-based program of the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, Department of Family Health Care Nursing. The goals of the newsletter are to promote and support a healthy and safe environment for all children in child care reflecting the state's diversity; to recreate linkages and promote collaboration among health and safety and child care professionals; and to be guided by the most up-to-date knowledge of the best practices and concepts of health, wellness and safety. Information provided in the newsletter is intended to supplement, not replace, medical advice. Regular features include columns on resources or current information related to infant/toddler care, school-age child care, public health, staff health, nutrition, inclusion, diversity, health consultancy, product information, pending legislation, available resources, and "Ask the Nurse," a Question-Answer column. The lead article of this issue is What Caregivers Can Do to Help Children Understand Death (Judy Calder). Other topics include Car Seat Use; Encouraging Exploration/Creativity; Food-Borne Disease; Pertussis; and UV Rays. Pullout section includes information on Microwave Ovens; Head Lice; Seizures; and Immunization. (Individual articles contain references.) [Additional support provided by Healthy Child Care California and the California Children and Families Commission.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCalifornia Childcare Health Program. 1950 Addison Street Suite 107, Berkeley, CA 94704. Tel: 510-204-0938; Fax: 510 204-0931; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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