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Autor/inMelton, Reginald F.
TitelPlanning and Developing Open and Distance Learning : A Quality Assurance Approach. Radiological Studies in Distance Education.
Quelle(2002), (223 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Adult Education; Case Studies; Curriculum Development; Distance Education; Educational Objectives; Educational Quality; Evaluation Methods; Foreign Countries; Independent Study; Instructional Development; Instructional Materials; Lifelong Learning; Multimedia Instruction; Open Education; Postsecondary Education; Program Evaluation; Quality Control; Student Needs; Systems Approach; Technology Uses in Education; United Kingdom
AbstractThis book presents a blueprint for using a quality assurance-based approach to planning and developing open and distance learning (ODL) courses in the United Kingdom. The following are among the specific topics discussed: (1) typical aims of ODL (opening access to education; responding to student needs; designing self-study materials; student support; cost-effectiveness; the quality of materials and systems); (2) characteristics of ODL (enrolling in courses; broad characteristics of courses; parameters requiring refinement); (3) designing self-study materials (frameworks for study sessions and courses; making use of existing materials); (4) using media in ODL (scenarios illustrating media usage; traditional media; high-technology media; media selection); (5) student support systems (scenarios illustrating different types of student support; student support systems; selection of student support systems); (6) translating visions of what students need into reality; ensuring the quality of ultimate products; supporting creative thinking and meaningful exchange of views; (7) developing a course framework; materials, systems, and assessment strategies to be developed; (8) developing and using course outlines, core content for unit study guides, and self-study materials; (9) collecting data for quality assurance and quality control; and (10) the required level of institutional support. A wide range of tried-and-tested examples and case studies are presented throughout the book. Fifty-four figures are included. The bibliography lists 68 references. (MN)
AnmerkungenRadiological, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE (ISBN-0-415-25480-9 (cloth) $90; ISBN-0-415-25481-7 (paper) $28.95). Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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