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Autor/inGiangreco, Michael F.
InstitutionVermont Univ., Burlington. Center on Disability and Community Inclusion.
TitelModel for Paraprofessional and Supervisor Training Designed To Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings. Final Report.
Quelle(2002), (46 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavior Disorders; Curriculum Development; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Inclusive Schools; Inservice Education; Instructional Materials; Mainstreaming; Paraprofessional School Personnel; Severe Disabilities; Staff Development; Supervision; Training Methods
AbstractThis report describes activities and accomplishments of a 3-year federally supported project to develop, implement, and evaluate a model for training paraprofessionals to support students with disabilities in general education classrooms and those who direct and supervise their work. Training materials were developed with a high degree of replicability. so that novice instructors could use them. The report first describes these training manuals, which comprise four 12-18 hour courses on paraeducator entry-level training, supporting students with challenging behaviors, supporting students with severe behaviors, and teacher leadership (working with paraeducators). The remainder of the report chronicles: (1) the project's objectives and their status; (2) project products; (3) ongoing activities; (4) continuing concerns; and (5) assurances of distribution. A total of 13 products are individually described. Ongoing activities include a Web site that includes a paraeducator resource and learning center. Discussion of continuing concerns addresses: data collection and impact on personnel and students; challenges of teacher leadership training; Web based and distance learning options; and inadvertent impact. Appended are sample Web pages and a sample quiz with scoring and computer-generated responses. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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