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Autor/inPilley, Christopher
InstitutionEdinburgh Univ. (Scotland). Centre for Continuing Education.
TitelEducation and Older Adults: A Framework for Evaluation. Occasional Papers Series: No. 6.
Quelle(1994), (33 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adult Education; Adult Programs; Adult Students; Case Studies; Foreign Countries; Informal Education; Longitudinal Studies; Models; Nonformal Education; Older Adults; Outcomes of Education; Program Evaluation; Student Evaluation; United Kingdom (Scotland)
AbstractA model was developed for evaluating formal and informal learning by older adults in a variety of contexts. The model, which adopts a longitudinal approach, focuses on the outcomes of provision and is based on the assumption that outcomes should be evaluated in light of the processes (accessibility and responsiveness of provision, appropriateness of instruction to participants, user satisfaction, and cost) by which they have been achieved. The model was developed with consideration for the essentially unquantifiable nature of many outcomes involving older adults, particularly in informal contexts; however, it includes provisions for supporting qualitative data by quantitative data. The model was used in case studies of the following program for older adults: Discovering New Horizons Group (a 5-day residential program in the Grampian region of Scotland that offers mainly outdoor activities to individuals aged 50 or older); Video in Pilton 50+ Group (a program teaching older adults to produce videos); and Pensioners Action Group East (a pensioner's group in Glasgow, Scotland that operates an education and information center for older adults). The case studies confirmed the model's validity as a tool for funders, policymakers, providers, and participants to use in evaluating local community-based initiatives. (Contains 11 references.) (MN)
AnmerkungenCentre for Continuing Education, University of Edinburgh, 11 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, United Kingdom (2 British pounds plus 50 pence postage).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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