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Autor/inn/enRudner, Lawrence M.; Deutermann, William V., Jr.
InstitutionLMP Associates, Inc., Chevy Chase, MD.
TitelJob Demand in the Cosmetology Industry.
Quelle(1991), (54 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCosmetology; Demand Occupations; Employment Opportunities; Employment Patterns; Employment Projections; Entry Workers; Futures (of Society); Labor Market; Labor Needs; Labor Supply; Postsecondary Education
AbstractIn order to determine job demand in the cosmetology industry, a survey was made of a nationally representative stratified random sample of 1,454 beauty salons, barber shops, and unisex salons in July 1991. Salon owners were asked about 1990 and their plans for the future. Survey results were supplemented with information about the industry provided by 15 large chains, employing between 58 and 34,000 hair care professionals each (a total of 70,000 professionals represented). Information was also garnered from the "Milady Cosmetology State Board Guides." Key findings include the following: (1) during 1990 there were more than five job openings for every newly licensed person, and more than 131,000 openings were for entry-level positions; (2) 1,265,000 professionals were employed by salons in December 1990 and 65 percent were full time; (3) the number of salons has been increasing approximately 2 percent per year for the past 5 years; (4) there are 1.8 job openings per salon nationwide; (5) the highest proportion of job openings is in the Northeast and West, the lowest in the North Central and Southern states; (6) the South provides the most job opportunities for new licensees; and (7) approximately 40,000 entry-level positions went unfilled in 1990. (An appendix contains 16 tables of data from the survey. There are 10 references.) (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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