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Autor/inGill, Douglas H.
InstitutionGeorgia Univ., Athens. Coll. of Education.
TitelProgram Guide for Developing a Comprehensive Program of Occupational Preparation for Handicapped Individuals in Georgia.
Quelle(1981), (123 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Nachschlagewerk; Career Education; Directories; Disabilities; Mainstreaming; Objectives; Position Papers; Postsecondary Education; Program Descriptions; Program Design; Program Development; Program Guides; Resource Room Programs; Resources; Special Classes; Special Education; Vocational Education; Georgia
AbstractThis program guide examines a comprehensive occupational preparation program for the handicapped that is fiscally responsible, in concert with current practice, and has practical application possibilities. Section 1 is a position statement for the guide. Section 2 is a diagram showing program goals and objectives. The purpose of section 3 is to examine occupational preparation for the handicapped individual within existing service delivery models in Georgia. It centers around the four major service delivery models that currently exist: work activity center, self-contained class setting, resource class setting, and regular class setting. Each is examined in regard to four component areas (identification, assessment, individual program plan/individual education program development, instructional alternatives), and each component area is addressed in terms of basic concepts, strategies, role definitions, and recommendations. Section 4 regards additional factors for consideration in program development, including job placement, program evaluation, financing, teacher education, vocational education youth club organizations, career counseling, and advisory groups. Section 5 contains program guide implementation strategies. A directory of interagency contact persons throughout Georgia is presented in section 6. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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