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Autor/inHoliman, Marjorie
TitelDevelopmental Studies Program: Cochise College, 1971-1977.
Quelle(1977), (66 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Attendance; Community Colleges; Developmental Programs; Developmental Studies Programs; Dropouts; English (Second Language); Ethnic Groups; Mexican Americans; Program Costs; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Remedial Programs; Student Characteristics; Student Teacher Relationship; Success; Two Year Colleges; Nelson Denny Reading Tests
AbstractIn essay form, the director of the developmental education program at Cochise College (Arizona) describes her struggle to be personally and professionally effective with Chicano students from Spanish-speaking homes in a racially and culturally prejudiced community. Appended are a description of the program and a list of course offerings, as well as summative and formative evaluations of its success, including (1) a comparison of the characteristics of developmental students at Cochise with those of all U.S. college students; (2) the results of a followup study on employment of former developmental students; (3) a description of program costs; (4) an article entitled "What Mexican-Americans Remember About Beginning School;" (5) results of a survey of Cochise teachers as to the behavioral characteristics of a successful student; (6) results of a two-year study comparing college dropout rates of developmental students with those of the total student population; (7) results of a study to determine the correlation between absences and college grades; (8) an analysis of the course completion rate of developmental students; (9) results of a study of pre- and post-Nelson-Denny scores; and (10) results of a study of the college completion rate of high school graduates versus high school dropouts. (DC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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