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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enArnold, Charles B.; Cogswell, Betty E.
InstitutionAmerican Public Health Association, Inc., New York, NY.; Yeshiva Univ., Bronx, NY. Albert Einstein Coll. of Medicine.; North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill.
TitelA Condom Distribution Program for Adolescents: The Findings of a Feasibility Study.
Quelle(1970), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Contraception; Disadvantaged Youth; Family Planning; Illegitimate Births; Lower Class; Males; Pregnancy; Sex Education; Social Problems
AbstractThis paper describes a family planning service for adolescent males in an inner-city area. The program utilized the distribution of free condoms through local commercial outlets (barber shops, grocery stores, pool hall, restaurant). The proprietors agreed to distribute condoms in the target area which included approximately 3,000 males aged 12-26 years old. In a 13 week feasibility test, over 18,000 condoms were distributed. Results indicated that the number using a condom with their last coitus increased markedly. Conclusions drawn included: (1) that the condom is an acceptable contraceptive, especially for adolescent males; (2) that inner-city adolescent men do wish to prevent unwanted births; and (3) that commercial outlets are effective free distribution centers. (TL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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