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Autor/inn/enWinkelmann, Zachary K.; Eberman, Lindsey E.; Edler, Jessica R.; Livingston, Laura B.; Games, Kenneth E.
TitelCuration of a Simulation Experience by the Clinical Scholar: An Educational Technique in Postprofessional Athletic Training
QuelleIn: Athletic Training Education Journal, 13 (2018) 2, S.185-193 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSimulation; Athletics; Allied Health Occupations Education; Graduate Students; Assignments; Group Activities; Cooperative Learning; Instructional Development; Experiential Learning; Indiana
AbstractContext: Postprofessional athletic training programs continue to prepare advanced-practice leaders in the profession. As part of being leaders and clinical scholars within the field, it is important that students pursing postprofessional graduate education be exposed to curriculum and instructional theory, practice, and strategies. Objective: To describe an education technique focused on the curation of a simulation assignment as part of a postprofessional athletic training course as a means to develop an appreciation of instructional strategies as a clinical scholar. Background: The postprofessional athletic training student (PP-ATS) may be working as a full-time clinician, graduate assistant, or novice educator, or as an intern within an athletic training clinic. Regardless of employment status, PP-ATSs engage with several key stakeholders, ranging from parents and legal guardians to coaching staff and professional athletic training students. The PP-ATS may be tasked to provide education to these stakeholders in the form of patient participation status to a coach, describing the pathogenesis of a condition to a patient, and rationale for care to professional athletic training students. Description: The PP-ATSs were placed in learning communities of 3 to 5 students. The learning communities were tasked with the development of high- and low-fidelity simulations for learners (the other PP-ATSs in the course) to engage in during an intensive and focused learning session, facilitation of the experience, and a debrief encounter. Clinical Advantage(s): A 2-fold benefit exists. First, PP-ATSs are engaged in the design and development of a simulation experience as an instructional intervention. Second, simulation learners are gainfully engaged in low-stakes patient encounters that promote professional growth. Conclusion(s): Developing and implementing learner-curated simulation experiences exposes PP-ATSs to an innovative instructional strategy in athletic training. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNational Athletic Trainers' Association. 2952 Stemmons Freeway Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75247. Tel: 214-637-6282; Fax: 214-637-2206; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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