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Autor/inn/enDagenhard, Paige; Castor, Thomas; Brookins-Fisher, Jodi; Thompson, Amy
TitelHealth Education Doctoral Degree Programs: A Review of Admission and Graduation Requirements
QuelleIn: Health Educator, 48 (2016) 2, S.16-22 (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterHealth Education; Doctoral Degrees; Graduation Requirements; Doctoral Programs; Admission Criteria; College Admission; Universities
AbstractA study of university graduate bulletins was conducted to determine admission and graduation requirements for doctoral degree programs in Health Education. Thirty-nine programs were identified. From that list, programs were delimited to PhD and DrPH degrees in Health Education or had required core courses in Health Education. Seventeen programs fit the inclusion criteria. Emails were sent to university program chairs to gather additional information not included on university websites. The most common degree offered was a PhD in Health Education. Eleven of the programs required a GPA of a 3.0 in a master's degree program when applying. Thirteen required the Graduate Records Examination (GRE). No programs required CHES/MCHES certification for admission or graduation. Program credit hours ranged from 70-73 among institutions. All 17 programs required a dissertation be completed for graduation, although the dissertation processes varied. Overall, there was significant variation between the programs studied. Utilization of the information in this study can occur both in student advising about doctoral programs in Health Education and in the initial process of determining doctoral program course work for meeting national graduate level competencies. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEta Sigma Gamma Inc. 2000 University Avenue CL 325, Muncie, IN 47306. Tel: 800-715-2559; Tel: 765-285-2258; Fax: 765-285-3210; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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