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Sonst. PersonenBrigham, Steven (Hrsg.); Carusone, Deborah DeMarche (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAmerican Association for Higher Education, Washington, DC.
TitelRoadmap to Resources. Sources and Tools for CQI Implementation.
Quelle(1996), (120 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Bibliografie; Nachschlagewerk; Audiotape Recordings; Awards; Change Agents; Computer Software; Conferences; Educational Quality; Higher Education; Information Dissemination; Professional Associations; Program Development; Program Guides; Quality Control; Reading Materials; Total Quality Management; Videotape Recordings
AbstractThis book, based on the experiences of institutions of higher education, lists print, nonprint, and organizational resources to assist colleges and universities involved in Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) efforts. The book has 12 sections which provide: (1) an annotated list of campus documents from nearly 100 college campuses putting CQI into practice; (2) a list of books, articles, reports, and papers on CQI; (3) a list of associations concerned with CQI; (4) a list of audio cassettes from four conferences on CQI; (5) a description of 14 campuses with centers offering training in total quality management and/or CQI; (6) a listing of conferences focused on quality in higher education; (7) a listing of CQI sources on the Internet; (8) descriptions of nearly 40 journals, newsletters, and magazines focused on CQI; (9) information on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award program and 20 similar state quality awards; (10) a list of 20 software programs useful for CQI-related activities; (11) a description of over 25 articles featuring the use of CQI tools; and (12) a list of companies that distribute and/or produce CQI and organizational change videos. The appendix lists presentations at the 9th American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Conference on Assessment in Higher Education and describes two quality initiatives of the AAHE. (CK)
AnmerkungenAmerican Association for Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, Suite 360, Washington, DC 20036-1110 ($18 members; $20 non-members).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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