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Autor/inKimble, Gregory A.
TitelBackground Materials for Chairman's Workshop.
Quelle(1978), (77 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Administrator Role; Budgeting; College Faculty; Department Heads; Departments; Faculty Evaluation; Faculty Workload; Graduate Students; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Productivity; Psychology; Records (Forms); Scholarship; School Organization; Teacher Administrator Relationship; Teacher Promotion; Teaching Assistants
AbstractInformation for newly appointed heads of graduate departments of psychology is presented as background material for the 1978 chairmen's workshop. Topics include the following: the budgetary situation, faculty productivity, faculty workload, teacher recruitment, faculty morale, graduate student morale, teaching load of teaching assistants, the intellectual and attitudinal situations, the structure of universities, the role of the department head, methods of strengthening the department, the departmental budget, and personal style. It is suggested that the academic world is currently dominated by three powerful forces: insufficient funds to accommodate current levels of activity, much less support expansion; a rapidly changing intellectual situation that brings special pressures for academic administration; and an attitudinal situation that adds to the department head's problems. The almost universal reaction to this difficult academic situation has been for university administrators to pay more attention to faculty productivity and workload. Issues of tenure, replacement of faculty who leave, and the consequences of unionization are also addressed. One trend in graduate study is a move from high specialization to more general training. Three levels of administration are considered: the upper or central administration, colleges and schools, and the department. The department head position is examined in relation to three roles: leader, manager, and passive caretaker. Functions of recruiting and appointing new faculty, faculty development, and faculty evaluation are addressed, including salary recommendations, promotion, tenure, and dismissal. A form for reporting scholarly and professional activities is appended. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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