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Autor/inn/enMontgomery, James R.; und weitere
TitelPlanning and Management of Faculty Resources. AIR Forum 1981 Paper.
Quelle(1981), (20 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Faculty; College Planning; Computer Oriented Programs; Decision Making; Departments; Employment Practices; Faculty Workload; Higher Education; Mathematical Formulas; Models; Personnel Policy; Resource Allocation; Staff Utilization
AbstractA computerized faculty allocation and reallocation model is presented to aid the decision maker in evaluating the outcomes of various strategies. A unique goal can be computed for each department based on the average index of the institution, the average of the college, the preceding average of the department, and a goal established by management for the department. The relative importance of these four factors can be set separately for each department. The model seeks to compare a department with itself or, if desired, with its college or the university as a whole; furthermore, one may place a goal on the college. The algorithm then permits weights to be placed on the comparison variables (for example, the college or university) and decisions made on how fast an overstaffed department converges toward the objective and in the process of converging what proportion of faculty are returned. The overstaffed full-time-equivalent faculty positions are accumulated and can be distributed with any new positions to the understaffed departments. The model uses iteration to simulate several years. This model, which enables a decision maker to review several variables to derive an overall strategy for faculty allocation, simulates factors involved in the allocation of faculty while leaving the decision maker to determine a unique workload goal for each department. Brief consideration is given to the following additional approaches: costing approach, faculty approach based on a state formula allocation, and department level allocations. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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