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Autor/inn/enHantz, Alan; Kimsey, William
TitelPre and Post-Decisional Agenda: Campaign '74.
Quelle(1976), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Decision Making; Elections; Political Attitudes; Political Influences; Politics; Problem Solving; Social Science Research; Surveys; Voting
AbstractIn this study, two dimensions of political decisional agenda (the elements which relate most to voting decisions) were examined: the number of items on the agenda and the content of the agenda items. Data were gathered in a study of the 1974 congressional election in the five largest counties of Illinois' 24th Congressional District. A total of 141 respondents were interviewed by telephone from September 14 to September 21 and from October 26 to November 4. Results, gained from an analysis of answers to four questions, show that early in the campaign the decided voter constructs a decisional agenda composed of likes and dislikes about the candidate, while the undecided voter is just beginning to construct lists; and that over a period of time the decided voter accumulates more of the same kind of information, while the undecided voter samples a variety of issues, not accumulating much additional decisional information. (JM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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