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Sonst. PersonenOhana, Yael (Hrsg.); Otten, Hendrik (Hrsg.)
TitelWhere do you stand?
Intercultural learning and political education in contemporary Europe. 1. Aufl.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Wo stehst Du? Interkulturelles Lernen und politische Bildung im gegenwärtigen Europa.
QuelleWiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss. (2012), 276 S.
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Beigabengrafische Darstellungen; Literatur- und URL-Angaben S. 263-276
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN3-531-18031-2; 978-3-531-18031-1; 978-3-531-94326-8
SchlagwörterBildungsinhalt; Demokratische Bildung; Kompetenz; Kritikfähigkeit; Kritische Pädagogik; Solidarität; Erziehungsziel; Methode; Gesellschaft; Kulturdifferenz; Non-formale Bildung; Akkulturation; Emotionale Intelligenz; Empathie; Ethnozentrismus; Handlungskompetenz; Identität; Interkulturelle Kommunikation; Kulturelle Identität; Soziale Interaktion; Gleichstellung; Akkulturation; Ausländer; Beratung; Deutschland; Dialog; Diskurs; Europa; Gesellschaft; Gleichheit; Identität; Interaktion; Jugendarbeit; Jugendpolitik; Kulturelle Identität; Lernen; Methode; Politische Bildung; Recht; Solidarität; Sprache; Welt; Didaktik; Erziehungsziel; Ethnozentrismus; Rassismus; Rhetorik; Außerschulische Jugendbildung; Handlungskompetenz; Anerkennung; Kompetenz; Wertorientierung; Kritische Pädagogik; Ambiguität; Bildungsinhalt; Ethnische Gruppe; Gleichstellung; Zukunftserwartung; Interkulturelle Kompetenz; Multikulturelle Gesellschaft; Interkulturelles Lernen; Kritikfähigkeit; Recht; Transformation; Jugendpolitik; Interkulturalität; Globales Lernen; Europäische Union; Beratung; Interaktion; Interkulturalität; Interkulturelle Bildung; Interkulturelle Kompetenz; Interkultureller Faktor; Interkulturelles Lernen; Multikulturalität; Multikulturelle Gesellschaft; Lernen; Soziale Kompetenz; Didaktik; Rhetorik; Sprache; Europäische Erziehung; Europäische Identität; Gleichheit; Globales Lernen; Politische Bildung; Rassismus; Staatsbürgerschaft; Transformation; Wertevermittlung; Wertorientierung; Zivilgesellschaft; Ehrenamtliche Arbeit; Zivilgesellschaft; Außerschulische Jugendbildung; Jugendarbeit; Ambiguität; Anerkennung; Dialog; Diskurs; Pluralität; Welt; Zukunftserwartung; Ethnische Gruppe; Nichtregierungsorganisation; Europäische Union; Ausländer; Jugendlicher; Migrant; Deutschland; Europa
Abstract"This book considers the many and often controversial debates about the theoretical underpinning, ideological positioning and political significance of intercultural learning in and for the European youth field. Its starting point is the current de-politicisation of intercultural learning in the field, which sees it as a central approach. Contributors challenge the elevation of intercultural dialogue to panacea for all societal problems from civil war to educational failure, the problematic position of notions of culture at the heart of intercultural learning practice and much of the accepted wisdom on the purposes, contents, approaches and methods of intercultural learning and on the competences required of those delivering it. In an attempt to breathe new life into what is criticised as a stagnant debate, this book asks all those concerned with political education and intercultural learning to rethink where they stand in relation to the theoretical foundations and basic principles of an educational practice that seems to be in need of radical re-politicisation if it is to live up to the contemporary challenges putting its mobilisational capacity to the test." (author's abstract). Contents: Cem Özdemir: Foreword (9-24); Hendrik Otten: On the Political Didactics of Intercultural Learning - A Planning Concept for International Youth Work (27-30); Paul Kloosterman: Political Education: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? (31-34); Werner Treuheit and Hendrik Otten: Acculturation of Young Foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany: Problems and Concepts (35-38); Dieter Emig and Sabine Hahn: '25 Years Later' or On the Sustainability of a Social Scientific Approach to Counselling (39-42); Petra Sternecker: Cultural Identity and Intercultural Learning - On the Particular Problem of Ethnocentrism (43-46); Antonius Holtmann: Back to the Future: A Few Words of Encouragement for Petra Sternecker's 'Cultural Identity and Intercultural Learning' (47-50); Jean-Marie Bergeret: Identity - Communication - Interaction (51-54); Nico Meisch: Intercultural Dialogue Today? (55-60); Peter Lauritzen: European Civil Society: An Open Societal Model for Young People in Europe? (61-64); Antje Rothemund: Eurospeak - Rhetoric, Politics and Young People in Europe (65-68); Colm O'Cinneide: Citizenship and Multiculturalism: Rethinking Equality, Rights and Diversity in Contemporary Europe ((69-74); Colm O'Cinneide: Rethinking Equality Again: Regression Masked as 'Progress' (75-78); Lynne Chisholm: Valorising Civic Engagement in Europe: 'Political Education' in a Balancing Act Between Aspirations and Realities (79-84); Lynne Chisholm: Political Education' Between Aspirations and Realities: Another Decade Bites the Dust (85-88); Teresa Cunha and Rui Gomes: Intercultural Education: Learning Empathy to Transgress (91-108); Ditta Dolejsiovß: Intercultural Education from a Global Perspective: Caught Between Universalism and Contextualisation (109-134); Joerg Forbrig: A School of Democracy? Civil Society and Youth Participation in the Multicultural Europe (135-160); Gavan Titley: After the Tailed Experiment': Intercultural Learning in a Multicultural Crisis (161-180); Yael Ohana and Hendrik Otten: A New Intercultural Learning Concept for the European Youth Sector? (183-240).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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