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Autor/inn/enFarah, Yarah; Johnsen, Susan K.
TitelClassroom management for gifted and twice-exceptional students using functional behavior assessment.
A step-by-step professional learning program for teachers.
QuelleLondon: Routledge (2021)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781003233640; 1003233643; 9781000491098 (EPUB); 1000491099 (EPUB); 9781000498202 (PDF); 1000498204 (PDF); 9781646320875; 1646320875
SchlagwörterGifted children; Education; Children with disabilities; Classroom management; Behavior modification; Children with mental disabilities; Enfants surdoués; Éducation; Enfants handicapés; Classes (Éducation); Conduite; Enfants ayant une déficience intellectuelle; Modification du comportement; EDUCATION; General; Special Education; Gifted; Erziehung
AbstractClassroom Management for Gifted and Twice-Exceptional Students Using Functional Behavior Assessment assists educators in understanding how to identify and target behaviors that influence the success of students and daily classroom instruction. Each module:Provides case studies with examples of the concepts being taught. Includes presentations, interactive graphic organizers, and small-group problem-solving activities. Offers self-assessments and resources for developing interventions. May be used within a university course, a series of workshops, or professional teacher learning communities. Uses functional behavior assessment (FBA), a successful research-based approach to behavioral interventions. Using this book, teachers can learn to manage student behavior and implement differentiation in the classroom.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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